Javed Suleman, MD
About Javed Suleman, MD
Dr. Javed Suleman is a cardiologist who is board certified in General Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology. He is a part of Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City where he performs cardiac catheterizations and interventions. Dr. Javed Suleman has an office in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York. Dr. Javed Suleman is available for consultation from Monday to Friday in his office in Richmond Hill. In addition to cardiac consultations, he performs echocardiograms, stress test, cardiac catheterizations and interventions.
Specialty: Cardiology | Main Office: 119-12 94th Ave, Richmond Hill, NY 11419 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Javed Suleman, MD average ratings
How well the provider explains the medical condition to you: 5.000

Bedside manner of the provider: 5.000


Staff friendliness and courteousness: 4.667


Overall environment, comfort and cleanliness: 4.667


Total Score: 4.834

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