Ayman Z. Attia-Alla, MD
About Ayman Z. Attia-Alla, MD
Dr. Ayman Z Attia Alla, MD, is an Internal Medicine specialist in Whitestone, New York. He attended and graduated from medical school in 1992, having over 27 years of diverse experience, especially in Internal Medicine. Dr. Ayman Z Attia Alla also cooperates with other doctors and physicians in medical groups including New York Internal Medicine Pc. And he’s affiliated with multiple hospitals like North Shore Manhasset hospital. Dr. Ayman Z Attia Alla accepts all types of health insurances.
Specialty: Primary Care | WhiteStone Office: 1752 Francis Lewis Blvd, Whitestone, NY 11357 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Primary Care | Astoria Office: 2818 Steinway Street, Astoria, NY 11103 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Primary Care | Jackson Heights Office: 7312 35th Ave, Suite 1F, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Ayman Z. Attia-Alla, MD average ratings
How well the provider explains the medical condition to you: 4.833

Bedside manner of the provider: 5.000


Staff friendliness and courteousness: 4.667


Overall environment, comfort and cleanliness: 4.667


Total Score: 4.792

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