Sarat Vadada, PT
About Sarat Vadada, PT
Physical Therapy (Ref: NPI Registry)
Specialty: Physical Therapy | Rockville Center Office: 509 Merrick Rd , Rockville Center , NY 11570 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Physical Therapy | New Hyde Park Office: 76-49 Hewlett St, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Physical Therapy | Brooklyn Office: 50 Court St, #508A, Brooklyn, NY 11201 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Physical Therapy | Forest Hills Office: 71-36 110th St #SP1, Forest Hills, NY 11375 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Physical Therapy | Bellmore Office: 2710 Grand Ave, Bellmore, NY 11710 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Sarat Vadada, PT average ratings
How well the provider explains the medical condition to you: 5.000

Bedside manner of the provider: 5.000


Staff friendliness and courteousness: 4.000


Overall environment, comfort and cleanliness: 4.500


Total Score: 4.625

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