Kalpesh Amin, MD
About Kalpesh Amin, MD
Dr. Kalpesh Amin Ridgewood New York is a Cardiologist practicing in New York for the last 21 years. He has offices in Ridgewood, New York and Flushing, New York. Dr. Kalpesh Amin is affiliated with Northwell Health System in New York, Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, Forest Hills Hospital and North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset.
Specialty: Cardiology | Ridgewood Office: 6911 Forest Ave, Ridgewood, NY 11385 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Specialty: Cardiology | Flushing Office: 7846 Parsons Blvd, , Flushing, NY 11366 | SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
Kalpesh Amin, MD average ratings
How well the provider explains the medical condition to you: 5.000

Bedside manner of the provider: 5.000


Staff friendliness and courteousness: 4.500


Overall environment, comfort and cleanliness: 5.000


Total Score: 4.875

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